Inspired by a request from Saemma and Coco, Kris Porter has released a modified design of her Fantastic Foraging Blocks.

The new design, called The Puzzler, has an additional cut along each long side, which gives small beaks more nooks and crannies to explore and exploit. It also comes in smaller sizes.

This small modification was a huge hit with both Stewie and Mika. I unpacked the new blocks and put them on a table for a quick photo shoot, and Mika came right over and started chipping away at all the delicious corners right away. I put a small one in a dish on Stewie’s bottlebrush gym and he spent about 2 hours (nearly uninterrupted) breaking off piece after piece (and then flinging the bits that collected in the bowl across the room).

Here’s what the new blocks look like:

Puzzler Foraging Block

Mika came right over to get started:

Puzzler Foraging Block

…and made quick work of that corner:

Puzzler Foraging Block

Everything I (and the birds) liked about the original Foraging Blocks are included in this new design, but that extra cut for some reason ratchets up the appeal to my birds even more.

These fir blocks with super appealing texture, slats and peek-a-boo holes — perfectly sized for a Nutriberry or almond treat (or a variety of veggies) — can be strung up with the reusable stainless steel hook that Kris offers with this toy. The Puzzler also comes in a smaller “foot toy” size that doesn’t have a hook.

You can find the “Puzzler” as well as the original Fantastic Foraging Block design on Kris Porter’s website.