Parrot Artwork

Saving Molted Parrot Feathers? Here’s a Good Use for Them.

I’ve been collecting the Stewie’s and Mika’s nicer-looking and longer molted feathers ever since their first molts with me. Over the years I collected a nice ziplock baggie full of them, but I hadn’t decided what I intended to do with them. But quite by chance I heard about an interesting project that collects molted…


Parrot Paintings: Pionus and Sun Conure

There are a lot of artists on the bird forums I visit and last summer I commissioned one of them, Frank van Boxtel, to do paintings of Stewie and Mika. I picked a couple of photos that I liked, including the one that I used to create the banner on top of this site, and…


Awesome Parrot Artwork

I found some really awesome watercolor artwork of parrots. I particularly love the cockatiels, the Scarlet Macaw, the Ringneck … Oh, heck, I love them all!